FIFA Drive Privacy Policy

Published 25-04-24.



Please carefully read this Privacy Notice ("Notice") to ensure you fully understand it. This Notice provides important details about how FIFA processes your personal data. It indicates the different categories of personal data we collect, the purposes for their processing, and the conditions and modalities applied. This Notice also explains how to exercise your rights under the applicable data protection legislation.

By using the FIFA Driver Application, you acknowledge that you have been informed about the processing of your personal data as described in this Notice and consent to this processing.

FIFA may update this Notice to reflect changes in applicable data protection laws or our future needs. We commit to making reasonable efforts to notify you of any significant changes. You are encouraged to review the most recent version of this Notice within the FIFA Driver Application for any updates. The date of the latest update will be indicated at the beginning of this Notice.


Collection of Personal Data

FIFA collects the following categories of personal data through the FIFA Driver Application:

1.              Biographical information, such as first name, last name.

2.              Contact information, such as email address and mobile number.

3.              Work-related information, detailing shifts, working hours.

4.              Location information, including the geolocation collected through the FIFA Driver Application when you are on shift.

This data is collectively referred to as “Personal Data”.


Purpose of processing and use of Personal Data

FIFA uses your Personal Data as follows:

1.              To create and manage driver profiles. [HL(1]

2.              To ensure an efficient operation of the transport services, including the assignment of rides, communication for operational purposes and the provision of support where needed.

3.              To verify that you adhere to the agreed routes and to track the ride progress.

4.              To optimize route planning, reduce waiting times and increase the overall efficiency of the transport services.

5.              To communicate essential information on the progress of the transport services with other teams, such as hospitality, guest operations, protocol and etiquette, ensuring a seamless coordination.


FIFA processes through the FIFA Driver Application based on our legitimate interest, and has assessed that your rights and freedoms are not overridden.

FIFA will process and store the Personal Data securely, for no longer than is necessary in light of the purposes for which it was first collected. [HL(2]


Sharing Personal Data with Third Parties

FIFA may share your Personal Data with FIFA subsidiaries or third parties processing Personal data on behalf of FIFA, in particular HereMaps. For more information on how HereMaps uses your Personal Data, click [here] Other third parties may include cloud service providers and background check providers. Your full name and contact information may be shared with passengers in the scope of contact for the delivery of the transport.


The Personal Data will not be used, processed, stored or transmitted by FIFA over and above the scope described herein.


Storage of Personal Data and Data Security

FIFA has suppressed any geolocation coordinates being tracked and sent unless you are on shift.

The Personal Data is stored and maintained in a database in Switzerland or in the European Economic Area (EEA) and is operated by FIFA or on FIFA™s behalf.

Some or all of the Personal Data may be stored outside the European Economic Area (EEA). If FIFA stores and processes Personal Data outside the EEA, it will take all reasonable steps to ensure that your Personal Data is treated as safely and securely as it would be within the EEA and under the Applicable Data Protection Laws. Such measures might include the conclusion of data transfer agreements on the basis of the relevant EU model clauses.

Data security is very important to FIFA. In order to protect the Personal Data, suitable measures to safeguard and secure the Personal Data have been put into place.



The Data Subject has the following rights in accordance with, and subject to the conditions under, the Applicable Data Protection Laws, which this Notice adheres to:

(i)           the right to be informed about the collection and use of the Personal Data;

(ii)          the right of access to and receiving a copy of the Personal Data that FIFA holds about the Data Subject;

(iii)         the right to rectification if any Personal Data that FIFA holds about the Data Subject is inaccurate or incomplete;

(iv)         the right to be forgotten i.e. the right to ask FIFA to delete any Personal Data that FIFA holds about the Data Subject and to delete it sooner than as indicated above;

(v)          the right to restrict (i.e. prevent) the processing of the Personal Data;

(vi)         the right to data portability (obtaining a copy of the Personal Data to re-use with another service or organisation);

(vii)        the right to object to FIFA using the Personal Data for particular purposes;

(viii)       rights with respect to automated decision-making and profiling;

(ix)         the right to revoke this consent at any time for the future processing of personal data; and

(x)          the right to complain to the relevant data protection authority, namely the Swiss Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner (


Complaint and Contact

In the event of any cause for complaint about the use of the Personal Data, if the Data Subject has any questions relating to this Notice or the data subject wishes to withdraw his/her consent, the Data Subject can contact visit FIFA™ Data Protection Portal or write to: Fédération Internationale de Football Association, FIFA Data Protection Officer, FIFA-Strasse 20, 8044 Zurich, Switzerland or via email FIFA™s representative in the EU may be contacted as follows: VGS Datenschutzpartner UG, Am Kaiserkai 69, 20457 Hamburg, Germany. FIFA shall apply reasonable efforts best to solve the problem for the Data Subject. If FIFA is unable to help, the Data Subject also has the right to lodge a complaint with the competent data protection supervisory authorities.


Waiver regarding governmental decisions

Finally, you (for yourself and on behalf of the Data Subject) herewith unconditionally and irrevocably waive all claims against FIFA, its officers, directors, employees, representatives, affiliates, auxiliaries, and partners resulting from any government decision in connection with the Personal Data. The processing of the Personal Data shall not exceed the scope described or implied herein.


[HL (1] Deleted reference to the FIFA Drivers Application to avoid confusion.

[HL (2] Sufficient. As the privacy notice will be broad and not limited to the information processed through the driver application recommend to not include the specific retention periods.